Spring is on the way with the exception of a few snow flakes last week. Juneau loved the cherry blossoms fully though she is not supposed to be on the table. she enjoyed the beautiful table cloth my dear friend Florence gave me too. Who wouldn't want to lay under blossoms like this for a day?
It never ceases to amaze me the power flowers have to brighten, heal and touch our hearts. My personal love for flowers started very early, my parents use to tell a story about me picking all the rosebuds from my fathers commanding officers yard Persidio when I was 2. This apparently did not go over to well but I was born in San Francisco under the Golden Gate Bridge in July of 1960. a TRUE FLOWER CHILD. Flowers hold even more meaning for me today as I have personally experienced and watched them heal people in miraculous ways. Working with people like Dr. Jill Stansbury(my friend and one of the best Naturopathic Doctors in the Country) Making Floral Essences with people like Camilla Blossom(3 Flowers Healing)
Spring Creek
Maidenhair Fern
Unphotographable WONDER
This past few months brought so many amazing people and moments into my life. Some have come thru my dear and true forever friends like Katy and Robin of our new Farmgirl group. All the great giggle girl sharing moments we enjoyed during meetings and our trip to Farm Chicks the bonds forming for lifelong caring and friendship are not photographed but carried in the heart and mind. Then the amazed moments like the kindnesses & Wonder you experience in the presence of certain people like Cindy Dockins of Tarte (She put a thank you up to all of us and is always open and encouraging of creativity and wonder.. WOW) This allows so much positive energy to flow. Or JOE of Barn House who made iced coffee for us at the end of a long day leaving us nurtured and cared for. I can only imagine how loved and cared for his growing farm family is and already know how blessed we as friends, shoppers, and vendors are! More Miracle Moments to Follow.....
To be Born is to be Chosen
To be born is to be chosen. No one is here by accident. Each one of us was sent here for a special destiny. When a fact is read in a spiritual way, its deeper meaning often emerges. When you consider the moment of conception, there are endless possibilities. Yet in most cases, only one child is conceived. This seems to suggest that a certain selectivity intimates a sheltering providence that dreamed you, created you, and always minds you. You were not consulted on the major factors that shaped your destiny: when you were to be born; where you would be born; to whom you would be born. Imagine the difference it would have made to your life had you been born into the house next door. Your identity was not offered for your choosing. In other words , a special destiny was prepared for you. But you were also given the freedom and creativity to go beyond the given, to make a new set of relationships and to forge an ever new identity, inclusive of the old but not limited to it. This is the secret pulse of growth, which is quietly at work behind the outer facade of your life. Destiny sets the outer frame of experience and life; freedom finds and fills its inner form.
From Anam Cara by John O'Donohue
Happy almost Birthday dear friend may you go beyond the given. Much Love, Erin