Monday, December 14, 2009

Gifts that last beyond Christmas

Here is my quaint old fashioned small town of Yacolt, Washington. You may not see its value at first glance but I can assure you it has great value in this world of 10,000 text messages, replaceable TV shows, appliances, computers and the like. This train gets dolled up for Christmas every year and takes visitors from surrounding Vancouver and Portland on a magical journey through the woods and back for a tree. Moments that you remember as an excited child or nostalgic adult. Unlike those 10,000 text my daughter made last month that when asked is one memorable enough to save? she answers NO. Here is the Yacolt City Courthouse. It is so old it still has the funky 1890's bars on the cells. The Yacolt City Council is so kind and welcoming when I recently visited to share news of the BPA I-5 Corridor Reinforcement Project they greeted me with open arms and even made sure to bring water to drink, share jokes, and then got involved with integrity, action, and care so uncommon in this modern world. The tree in this picture gets decked out for Christmas every year and on the 4th of July there is a Rendezvous, and parade where children and adults still share the spirit of what makes this Country great, caring for neighbors and all the things around us not just for personal gain or prestige. On the fourth kids do sidewalk chalk drawing all over the town, isn't this one wonderful. It reminds me of my experiences growing up in Clark County attending George C. Marshall Elementary School where we sang "Washington MY HOME", My Country Tis of Thee, and This Land is Your Land. I was the Treasurer of my Elementary School and since this Christmas has brought a need for me to connect and communicate with public officials like never before in my life, due to the BPA I am searching, and hoping to find some who still operate for the common good of us all. So far Yacolt City Council, The Clark County Commissioners, Representative Orcutt, and Senator Honeywell have greatly impressed me with their actions and integrity. The stair case to Patty Murray and Maria Cantwells Clark County offices has a big picture of George C. Marshall but, it took a physical visit to get a response, 2 letters and e-mails did nothing. I hope that will change. Since Brian Baird went to the Galapagos Islands to learn about Global Warming I am hoping he will take 10 minutes to realize the impact the BPA I-5 Corridor Project will have on Clark Counties Global Warming situation. The bottom picture shows you some of the incredible rare plants and flowers from my property that will be destroyed to make way for more TV's, Computers, Air Conditioners and such if this project goes thru line#29. Fran Gillette from our area has a new cookbook out this year, she is famous for them, the patriotism and wisdom they hold. My favorite quote from this cookbook is:

Only after the last tree has been cut down,
Only after the last river has been poisoned,
Only after the last fish has been caught,
Only then will you find money cannot be eaten.
Cree prophesy-

May your Christmas be filled with gifts that LAST beyond Christmas.


Florence said...

There is much to be said about a small town that has a lot of love for their community and is willing to go and fight for it. My prayers go out to BPA that they will listen to the people and move that line away from all the homes, if it in deed needs to be built. Hugs Florence

Kindred Roses said...

Hi Erin,
Yacolt is a nice town. I admire those who are blessed to live in the country...Hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Jesus is the reason for the season....
Julie, Kindred Roses